Sunday 9 May 2010

Gordon Ramsay Restaurant No Longer among World’s best!

After recently reading an article I came across on, I must admit wasn’t hugely surprised to see that Gordon Ramsey’s flagship restaurant is no longer in the “World’s Best restaurants” top 50 list. As it has a reputation built on someone who is frequently in the public eye and not so much on the quality of its gourmet. So that the average person can say “I’ve dined at Gordon Ramsay’s restaurant”. A man who is, perhaps as famous for his swearing (one word in particular!), as he is for culinary expertise. Despite the skills and expertise of Ramsay and his team, the panel responsible for producing this list, made up of chefs, restaurateurs & food critics have obviously taken this into account when considering where on the list Restaurant Gordon Ramsey should be placed.
However for any restaurant to fall from 13th to off the list altogether, says a lot about how competitive places on the list really are, and how high the standard/ quality of restaurant gourmet is throughout the world. While I recognize the fact that Gordon Ramsay is superb at what he does, and that his TV programmes are enjoyed by many, I feel that it is precisely this, which has inhibited his flagship restaurant making this year’s list.

Top 10 List 2009

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