Monday 22 March 2010

A good meal: Battered Sea Bass with Chardonnay

I am a food & drink enthusiast, who enjoys nothing more than a good meal with a small drop of wine. There is nothing better than a Sunday Roast with a deep, juicy red or a Thai noodle salad with a dry white. As you are already aware, the wine accompanying a meal can make all the difference to the enjoyment of that meal. For example, you wouldn’t drink a Rosé with a Curry or a Riesling with a strong cheese. Hence, when enjoying a good meal with a drink it is all about the wine!!

One of my favorite meals is a battered Sea bass with salad and roast potatoes accompanied by a chilled glass of medium-dry Chardonnay. The recipe is listed below for anybody who would like to share the experience!


Sea Bass Fillet
300ml/½ pint vegetable oil, for deep-frying
3 tbsp self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
50ml/2fl oz cold sparkling water
3 ice cubes
250g/5½oz King Edward potatoes, halved
salt and freshly ground black pepper
lemon wedges, to serve with

A bag of premixed salad

3-4 Cherry tomatoes (optional)

For the roast potatoes, you will firstly need to peel the potatoes, cut to a reasonable size. Then brush each one individually with oil before placing on a backing tray and cooking in the oven for around 40 mins (or longer if needed).

To cook the bass, you will firstly need to heat the vegetable oil in a saucepan. Secondly mix the flour with a teaspoon of baking soda before adding water to create the batter mix. Add the 2-3 cubes of ice and give the batter a stir. Dip the bass fillet into the batter mix ensuring that both sides of the fillet are dipped in batter.

If you are unsure how to batter a fish just watch this video (beer-battered method):

After ensuring that the oil is hot enough transfer the fillet into the saucepan and fry for 4 mins or so, then remove and place on kitchen towel to remove any excess vegetable oil. After a minute you can place on a plate together with the salad, cherry tomatoes and roast potatoes. Sprinkle with black pepper and serve with a slice of lemon on top of the fish.

Enjoy with a nice glass of Chardonnay!!

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